My husband and I were recent presenters at a marriage conference, and instead of highlighting the usual topics such as, communication, intimacy, and financial responsibility, we were impressed to highlight a notion of joining, based on a concept of wiring and kingdom identity as seen in Jeremiah 1:5. As I briefly touched this idea while fellowshipping with some kingdom-driven millennials, I was compelled to blog about Wiring, which I gladly do in their honor.
As previously mentioned, the Hebrew word נְתַתִּֽיךָ, nə·ṯat·tî·ḵā, translates as appoint or ordained, found in Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV). “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” נְתַתִּֽיךָ , nə·ṯat·tî·ḵā, (from the root word nathan) is to give, put, set, or make, and indicates a predetermined or established order, involving not only one’s position but function, and includes a natural (supernatural) inclination, tendency or wiring. In other words, Jeremiah was made a prophet. Though this passage is in reference to the prophet Jeremiah, it serves as an indication of the great lengths taken by the Creator in planning the very details of an individual’s life. It highlights the fact that God is a God of purpose. Two of my favorite quotes by he late Dr. Myles Munroe concerning purpose are, “To understand the purpose of a thing, one must look to the Creator of that thing,” and “Whenever purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.” How many times do couples, in an effort to improve their relationships, focus on the above “usual topics” and still fail at cultivating a strong, healthy union? Still, other couples have trouble pinpointing exactly what the crux of their problems is. I submit that perhaps incompatible wiring or crossed wires is the culprit. Consider my husband, wired as ( set, given, made to be) a nurturer. Among other tendencies, nurturers are defined as those who feed, protect, support, and encourage. In 28 years, though we have experienced many challenges, changes and trials, these verbs emphatically describe my husband’s motivation and behavior at any given time. Through it all, he has remained true to his wiring. I encourage that one’s attraction never be based on mutable attributes, which are prone to change. Instead, attraction should be based on who the person really is, as evidenced by his or her divine wiring, which, by the way, is directly linked to their life’s assignment, purpose and personal fulfillment. Healthy attraction requires time, as each seeks to know and understand the other, and has as its prerequisite, intimacy with the Father, Himself, the source of wisdom, understanding and clarity. The result! Abuse and misuse are diminished as purpose is understood, and you will find that the “usual topics” become much less of a challenge. Whatever you do… Don’t Get Your Wires Crossed!
Authorcanceler of darkness Archives
May 2024
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